Topic 1g - Part 2: Satellite measurements - Example instruments and missions

In this video John Burrows and Paul Monks go into more detail about atmospheric missions and instruments.

Featured Educators

  • Prof. John Remedios

  • Prof. John Burrows

  • Prof. Paul Monks

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Meteosat Third Generation (MTG) is EUMETSAT’s next generation of geostationary satellites, following on from earlier successful missions. This next generation, following on from Meteosat Second Generation, will provide an evolution of the imaging service, including a new Lightning Imager, on MTG-I, and a state-of-the-art atmospheric sounding service providing measurements in the infrared and ultraviolet spectrum. The sounding satellites, MTG-S, will also carry the Sentinel-4 instrument.


Meteosat Third Generation (MTG) is EUMETSAT’s next generation of geostationary satellites, following on from earlier successful missions. This next generation, following on from Meteosat Second Generation, will provide an evolution of the imaging service, including a new Lightning Imager, on MTG-I, and a state-of-the-art atmospheric sounding service providing measurements in the infrared and ultraviolet spectrum. The sounding satellites, MTG-S, will also carry the Sentinel-4 instrument.

MTG will see the launch of six new geostationary (imaging and sounding) satellites from 2022 onwards.