Topic 4c - Part 2: Monitoring volcanic emissions - Case studies & the role of VAACs

Volcanic Ash Advisory Centres (VAACs) have specialist forecasters who produce volcanic ash advisories and guidance products using a combination of volcano data; satellite-based, ground-based and aircraft observations; weather forecast models and dispersion models.

There are a number of VAACs around the world including London, which is part of the Met Office, and Toulouse which is part of Météo-France.

Featured Educator

  • Dr Seppo Hassinen

  • Dr Philippe Hereil

  • Ian Lisk

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Optional Further Reading

Interactive Apps

Satellite tracking app - Topic 4c

The satellites featured in this topic are as follows:

Meteosat-8; Meteosat-9; Meteosat-10; Meteosat-11;

You can also use the drop-down menu in the app to view these satellites.


Volcano So2 columns

Composite image of maximum observed SO2 columns for the period 20 May to 30 June 2011. The value for each grid cell equals the maximum observed SO2 columns in that grid cell for the given time period during which three major volcanic eruptions took place. Grimsvotn ( ¨ −17.33◦, 64.42◦) erupted first on 21 May, then Puyehue-Cordon Caulle ( ´ −40.59◦, −72.12◦) on 3 June and finally Nabro (13.37◦, 41.70◦) on 12 June. A plume altitude of 10 km was assumed.

BA flight 9

Illustration of British Airways plane flying through a cloud of volcanic ash from the eruption of Mount Galunggung on 24th June 1982.

Effects of ash on jet engines

Examples and diagram of the effects of ash on jet engines

Volcanic ash advisory centres

A map of volcanic ash advisory centres