Topic 1b - Part 1: Copernicus, CAMS and Global Networks

Copernicus is an EU programme for satellite Earth Observation, previously known as the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security programme (GMES), it is headed by the European Commission (EC) in partnership with the European Space Agency (ESA).

Copernicus provides a unified system through which vast amounts of data are fed into a range of thematic information services designed to benefit the environment, the way we live, humanitarian needs and support effective policy making for a more sustainable future.

The data they provide is freely available to everybody, so we can make choices about what we do and how we as a society look after and use the marine environment. It serves users from businesses and public services to researchers and curious individuals.

The Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) is part of the Copernicus Programme. It provides the capabilities to continuously monitor the Earth Atmosphere at both global and regional scales. The main areas of focus are:

  • Air quality and atmospheric composition

  • Ozone layer and ultraviolet radiation

  • Emissions and surface fluxes

  • Solar radiation

  • Climate forcing

No single organization can do it all – different organisations have different skills and mandates. Regional organization support national efforts. EUMETSAT provides the satellite data for CAMS including from operations of Sentinel-3, 4 and 5. And the European Environmental Agency provide in situ data.

Featured Educators

  • Dr Vincent-Henri Peuch

  • Dr Mauro Facchini

  • Dr Martin Adams

  • Prof. John Remedios

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Optional Further Reading

Interactive Apps

Satellite tracking app - Topic 1b part 1

The satellites featured in this topic are as follows:

Sentinel-3a; Sentinel-5p

You can also use the drop-down menu in the app to view these satellites.


CAMS forecasts

Surface ozone, surface Nitrogen Dioxide, Dust Aerosol Optical Depth, and Total Sky UV index forecasts from CAMS.