Week 5 – Maintaining our life support system – policy and the future

Topic 5a - Part 1: Future Innovations - Open data and emerging data services

Copernicus provides free and open access to its data products including CAMS. Data from Copernicus is used by service providers, public authorities and other international organisations.

Topic 5a – Part 2: Future innovations - Future Copernicus missions and strategies

This topic looks at the future of Copernicus, including missions and strategies.

Topic 5b - International climate change policy, ECVs and UN COP

Earth observation data supports effective policy and decision making for climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Topic 5a - Part 3: Future innovations - Future satellite missions in depth

This topic explores future innovations and satellite missions in depth.

Topic 5c - Final course round-up

We have now come to the end of ‘Monitoring Atmospheric Composition From Space and the Ground’, congratulations on completing the course and thank you for your participation over the last five weeks.

Topic 5d - Practical guides - Part 1: Meteosat Third Generation

In this video Rosemary Munro and Jochen Grandell talk about Meteosat Third Generation satellites, which will be part of the Copernicus Programme.

Topic 5e - Practical Guide - Part 2: Downloading atmospheric composition data

In this second practical guide Mark Higgins shows you four examples of websites which can be used to get atmospheric images and data.

Topic 5f - Practical Guide - Part 3: Visualising data in NetCDF

Daniel Lee, Software & Data Format Engineer at EUMETSAT guides you through a variety of free and open software, for you to visualize NetCDF format files.